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Title of Study: Rutgers Earth Day Every Day
Principal Investigator: Amy Rowe
This online consent form is part of an informed consent process for a research study and it will provide information that will help you decide whether you want to take part in the study. It is your choice to take part or not. Your alternative to taking part in the research is not to take part in it.
Why is this study being done?
This study is being done to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of an educational webinar series.
Why have I been asked to take part in this study?
You are being asked to take part in this study in order to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of the Rutgers Earth Day at Home educational webinar series.
What will I be asked to do if I take part in this study?
You will be asked to answer questions about the quality of the webinar, what you learned from the webinar, and what actions you expect to take at home based on the practices discussed during the webinar.
How will information about me be kept private or confidential?
All efforts will be made to keep your personal information in your research record confidential, but total confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The data will be collected and stored electronically and only the principal investigator and co-principal investigators will have the password.
What will happen to my information collected for this research after the study is over?
The information collected about you for this research will not be used by or distributed to investigators for other research.
What will happen if I do not wish to take part in the study or if I later decide not to stay in the study?
It is your choice whether to take part in the research. You may choose to take part, not to take part or you may change your mind and withdraw from the study at any time.
If you do not want to enter the study or decide to stop taking part, your relationship with the study staff will not change, and you may do so without penalty and without loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Amy Rowe, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 908-235-1168,
If you have questions about your rights as a research subject, you can contact the Rutgers IRB Director at: Arts and Sciences IRB, 335 George St., Liberty Plaza Ste. 3200, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (732) 235-2866 or the Rutgers Human Subjects Protection Program at (973) 972-1149, email us at or write us at 65 Bergen St., Suite 507, Newark, NJ 07107.